Learn how to measure
and reduce your emissions

Our software supports organisations to measure, visualise, reduce, and report their carbon impact.
Office Working
Climate Essentials software

Specificity that suits your needs

Our offerings were specifically made to suit the needs of our clients.
Climate Essentials for business product


Climate Essentials for Business allows organisations to measure their carbon emissions, create an interactive reduction strategy, and map their pathway to net zero via data insights, carbon analytics, and scenario mapping.

Instant results and data layout
Filter your emissions by business site
Contextualise your carbon footprint
Comply with regulation
Benchmark your business within your sector
Climate essentials for analytics


Climate Essentials Analytics is specifically tailored to support local authorities, membership associations, and programme providers. You can achieve standardised carbon accounting for businesses in ecosystems, encouraging targeted initiatives and driving real action towards achieving net zero.

Co-brand the platform
Gain insights on carbon hotspots
Tailor it to your business network
See reduction targets in action
Climate essentials supply chain product

Supply Chain

Through Climate Essentials for Supply Chain, organisations will be able to enrich their Scope 3 measurement with primary data collected straight from their suppliers, displayed on an interactive dashboard, enabling remarkable reductions to their carbon footprint and improved supplier relations.

Co-brand the platform
Instant results and data layout
Visualise the data, build reports
Add as many suppliers or admins
See reduction targets in action
Find out moreFind out moreFind out more

Explore our client stories

Community Fibre

"Our CEO attended a West London Business group meeting late last year with a view to placing more focus on our sustainability project for this year. The Climate Essentials platform was showcased and, for us, this felt like the perfect first step - a very user-friendly system to boot!"


"The Climate Essentials platform is straightforward to use and comprehensive and has helped us understand our baseline carbon emissions and which areas of our operations have the most impaction the environment to help inform our Net Zero Strategy."


“It has been really enlightening to recognise exactly what our carbon footprint was during the last proper financial year for my company.  This information helps us to raise awareness of how great the challenge is but also where we need to put our resources and attention to reducing our environmental impact. The clear graphics of the results was the thing that I liked best and also your willingness to embrace making changes when these were suggested to you, such as allowing us to have multiple buildings for one company."

Barry Bassett - Managing Director

Stock Right Now

“The lovely people at [Climate Essentials] showed us how easy it is to measure and reduce our carbon footprint. Not only because they have designed their fabulous software to make it easy to start and easy for you to improve your carbon footprint over time. Climate Essentials is incredible intuitive, and incredibly affordable, and how good is that? Because let’s face it, saving the planet shouldn’t be difficult or expensive.”

Neil Alexander -  Owner

Clarke & Son Solicitors

"Our Experience using the Climate Essentials platform has been great. It is very simple to use, and the Climate Essentials team were very knowledgeable and clear when explain how to use the platform."

Emily Allen - Digital Marketing Executive

IASME Consortium  

"Climate Essentials has helped us understand which aspects of our carbon footprint are most realistic to reduce and which aspects contribute most."

Dr Emma Philpott - CEO


Frequently Asked Questions

Energy Emissions Process Platform Feature
What is Climate Essentials? 
How can Climate Essentials help my business? 
How do I get started with Climate Essentials? 
What kind of support is available? 
How can I access the Climate Essentials platform? 
What resources are available for community members? 

Start collecting your carbon data today

Are you ready to become a more sustainable business? Climate Essentials is here to help you measure, track and reduce your carbon emissions, even your supply chain. Take action today.

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User-Friendly Interface
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Support & Training
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Reduction Plans
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Enhance Brand Image
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Stay Compliant
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Supply Chain Measurement
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Net Zero Modelling
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Carbon Footprint Measurement
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Community Access
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Emissions Calculations
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Carbon Calculator