techUK's Local Digital Index 2023

Lucy Coomes
June 5, 2024
5 min read

Head to this link for key findings and the download link!

Climate Essentials is proud to have participated in techUK's 2023 Local Digital Index. Our insights are featured on pages 29 and 30 of the report, which you can access via the link above.

This report provides essential insights into the UK's tech landscape, and we're delighted to have contributed our own perspective on digital inclusion in the context of achieving net zero. This report will help policymakers to tackle regional challenges effectively, and we'd recommend having a read of the report's key findings.

At Climate Essentials, we're committed to making sustainability accessible to organisations regardless of their size or location. "Small businesses are central to the UK’s journey towards net zero. Accounting for around one third of the UK’s total greenhouse gas emissions, we simply cannot afford for small businesses to be left behind when it comes to decarbonisation." Read the rest of our contribution in the report on pages 29 and 30.