The Marsham Court Hotel - BCP Case Studies Series

February 5, 2025
5 min read


We visited James and Rosie at Marsham Court Hotel in Bournemouth to discuss how the hotel has been using the Climate Essentials platform to support their business operations. Marsham Court Hotel is a leading business within the BCP region that is already engaging with their peers across the hospitality industry to push their sustainability efforts to the next level. James has been wanting to bring the hotel forward in terms of sustainability for a while now and so was very excited by the opportunity to have access to Climate Essentials for free for 12 months via the BCP Council programme.

Marsham Court Hotel were interested in seeing what they could do to reduce their impact on the environment and also reduce business costs. Through thinking about short term goals and long term goals the hotel has been able to devise a plan that effectively achieves both aims. Engaging with the staff and team to reduce energy consumption and making sure all the lights are switched off when not being used, has been the initial short term focus for the hotel to start reducing their carbon emissions. This, along with investing in digital solutions to reduce paper consumption and costs for the future have really kickstarted the hotel's journey. James has also put a lot of work into reducing the hotel’s waste costs, with a focus on separating out food waste which is one of the heaviest components of general waste. James used the Climate Essentials platform to understand how separating food can make such a difference. This change has not only reduced the carbon emissions of Marsham Court Hotel but also significantly reduced the cost of their waste.

Longer term goals that James is keen to achieve involve engaging with suppliers to have meaningful conversations about how they can work together to be more efficient and improve what the hotel is doing day to day. He also wants to investigate how they can heat rooms more efficiently and look at the hotel’s facilities in general.

The key advice that James wanted to pass on to other businesses, be that those in hospitality or other industries, is “that this is going to become mandatory, do it now, don’t wait. The quicker you get these systems in place the better.” James also told us that he found the journey a lot easier to start with than he initially thought it would be, and that it didn’t take long for Marsham Court to get some really good results.

Find out more:

Sign up to access one of the limited licences to Climate Essentials now by clicking this link here.

*Sponsored by BCP Council. Eligibility Criteria: you must be based in BCP, have fewer than 250 employees and fewer than 7 sites.